
We promote research collaboration on data activity and data science using polar science data.

The partial list of "ROIS-DS-JOINT:The Collaboration Program at ROIS Joint Support-Center for Data Science Research" related to PEDSC

【1】Establishment of data acquisition, analysis, and visualization methods using general-purpose ice radar, Masahiro Minowa (Hokkaido University)
【2】Construction and release of a fungal strain database of Antarctic fungi, Masaharu Tsuji (Asahikawa College)
【3】Creating an inventry of lake along ice sheet margin of Soya Coast using aerial photographs and satellite image data, Shuntaro Hata (Hokkaido University)
【4】Developing a database of the global sea surface tempeature for the late Pleistocene and understanding factors controlling the temperature variability, Yoshimi Kubota (National Museum of Nature and Science)
【5】Hypocenter Estimation of Microseismic Events Using Seismic Array at Syowa Station, East Antarctica, Manami Hashimoto (Association for the development of earthquake prediction)
【6】Expansion of publishing method of Cosmic Ray data observed at Syowa station and improvement of analysis method for space weather study., Chihiro Kato (Shinshu University)
【7】Metadata management practices to improve visualization and retrieval of research data, Atsuki Shinbori (Nagoya University)
【8】New approach for dataset construction and data analysis of cosmogenic nuclide, Fuyuki Tokanai (Yamagata University)
【9】Development of automatic weather log system using all-sky images and research on spatio-temporal distribution fluctuations of clouds, Satoshi Ishii (Rikkyo University)
【10】Development of Accurate Antenna Measurement Techniques for Interferometric Radar Inversion, Koji Nishimura (Kyoto University)
【11】Imaging Observation of Ionospheric Field Aligned Irregularities by the PANSY radar at Antarctic Syowa Station, Akinori Saito (Kyoto University)
【12】Reanalysis of long-term aerosol and cloud records in the Antarctic and construction of their data library, Keiichiro Hara (Fukuoka University)
【13】Investigation of a method for automatic estimation of visibility using live camera data from Showa Station, Antarctica, and Ny-Ålsund, Arctic, Konosuke Sugiura (University of Toyama)
【14】Digitization of Antarctic cores and database construction: AI deep learning for automated lithological analysis, Minoru IKEHARA (Marine Core Research Institute, Kochi University)
【15】Establishment of the meaningful signals extraction method from the ultra-high precision time series records and its utilization, Makoto Okubo (Kochi University)
【16】Development of phase scintillation analysis and observation method, Toru Takahashi (National Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology)
【17】Joint research meeting on data analysis, sharing and publication of infrasound and icequake data observed via penetrators, Yasuhiro Nishikawa (Kochi University of Technology)
【18】Mesosphere-Thermosphere-Ionosphere Workshop (MTI Workshop), Takuo Tsuda (The University of Electro-Communications)
【19】Solar-Terrestrial Environmental Data Analysis and Data Science: 15 Years of the IUGONET Project and its Future, Shuji Abe (Kyushu University)
【1】Development and improvement of a machine learning -based method to reconstruct air and water temperatures in the Antarctic zone, Osamu Seki (Hokkaido University)
【2】Construction and release of a fungai strain database of Antarctic fungi, Masaharu Tsuji (Asahikawa College)
【3】Reconstruction of the management and analysis scheme of cosmogenic nuclide data, Fuyuki Tokanai (Yamagata University)
【4】Establishment of new techniques for nano-crustal strain signals detection and utilization of ultra-precision observation records, Makoto Okubo (Kochi University)
【5】Reanalysis of long-term aerosol and cloud records in the Antarctic and construciton of their data library, Keiichiro Hara (Fukuoka University)
【6】Empirical Experimental Study on On-Premise Data Processing in Remote Areas: A Case Study of Geosphere Monitoring Observation and Base Management Information Sharing System at Syowa Station, Takanobu Sawagaki (Hosei University)
【7】Creating an inventory of lake along ice sheet margin of Soya Coast using aerial photographs and satellite image data, Shuntaro Hata (Hokkaido University)
【8】New development of global electric circuit study by comparison of atmospheric electric field and upper atmospheric data, Masashi Kamogawa (University of Shizuoka)
【9】Expansion of pulbishing method of cosmic ray data observed at Syowa Station and improvement of analysis method for space weather study, Chihiro Kato (Shinshu University)
【10】Construction of a dataset of snow deposition and erosion patterns on the Antarctic ice sheet using a machine learning method, Konosuke Sugiura (University of Toyama)
【11】Establishment of data acquisiton, analysis, and visualization methods using general purpose ice radar, Masahiro Minowa (Hokkaido University)
【12】Imaging observation of ionospheric field aligned irregularities by the PANSY radar at Antractic Syowa Station, Akinori Saito (Kyoto University)
【13】Development of a cross-institutional information exhange platform for gravity observation studies (CIE-g), Kazunari Nawa (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST))
【14】Developing a database of the global sea surface temperature for the late Pleistocene and understanding factors controlling the temperature variability, Yoshimi Kubota (National Museum of Nature and Science)
【15】Metadata management practices to improve visualization and retrieval of research data, Atsuki Shinbori (Nagoya University)
【16】Hypocenter estimation of microseismic events using seismic array at Syowa Station, East Antarctica, Manami Hashimoto (Association for the development of earthquake prediction)
【17】Development of Python-based data acquisition and analysis tools to promote the use of space science and upper atmosphere science data for data-driven research, Imajo Shun (Kyoto University)
【1】Evaluation of classification techniques for snow deposition and erosion patterns in the Antarctic ice sheet using a machine learning method, Sugiura Kounosuke (Toyama University)
【2】A development of prediction system for the transport of atmospheric aerosol particles at Syowa Station by Machine Learning, Kazue Suzuki (Hosei University)
【3】Reanalysis of long-term aerosol and cloud records in the Antarctic and construction of their data library, Hara Keiichiro (Fukuoka Univ.)
【4】Construction of analysis system for Iridium satellite communication data in balloon experiments of Antarctic atmospheric gravity waves, Kaho Takana (Shonan Institute of Technology)
【5】Impact of atmospheric observation data over the Southern Hemisphere high-latitude on weather forecast skill, Sato Kazutoshi (Kitami Institute of Technology)
【6】Development of Python-based data acquisition and analysis tools to promote the use of space science and upper atmosphere science data for data-driven research, Imajo Shun (Kyoto University)
【7】Development of Accurate Antenna Measurement Techniques for Interferometric Radar Inversion, Koji Nishimura (Kyoto University)
【8】Promotion of data-driven science through the collaboration with organizations by participatory consortium, Shuji Abe (Kyushu University)
【9】Establishment of new techniques for nano- crustal strain signals detection and utilization of ultra-precision observation records, Makoto Okubo (Kochi University)
【10】Development of website for data visualization of PSD and FK analyses for utilizing Antarctic infrasound observation, Yoshihiro Kakinami (Hokkaido Information University)
【11】(science meeting) Distribution and utilization of gravity observations/data in the Open Science Era, Nawa Kazunari (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
【12】Expansion of publishing method of Cosmic Ray data observed at Syowa station for space weather study, Chihiro Kato (Shinshu University)
【13】Study on generation and propagation of atmospheric gravity waves by extensive analysis of airglow image database, Kogure Masaru (Kyushu University)
【1】A development of prediction system for the transport of atmospheric aerosol particles at Syowa Station by Machine Learning, Kazue Suzuki (Hosei University)
【2】Development of a real time database system for Cosmic Ray data observed at Syowa Station, Chihiro Kato (Shinshu University)
【3】Development of database and data analysis system of ground-based atmospheric electric field observation data for global electrical circuit study, Masashi Kamogawa (University of Shizuoka)
【4】Development of Accurate Antenna Measurement Techniques for Interferometric Radar Inversion, Koji Nishimura (Kyoto University)
【5】Establishment of new techniques for nano- crustal strain signals detection and utilization of ultra-precision observation records, Makoto Okubo (Kochi University)
【6】Development of website for data visualization of PSD and FK analyses for utilizing Antarctic infrasound observation, Yoshihiro Kakinami (Hokkaido Information University)
【7】Connection to organizations by participatory consortium for accelerating data science, Shuji Abe (Kyushu University)
【8】Evaluation of classification techniques for snow deposition and erosion patterns in the Antarctic ice sheet using a machine learning method, Kounosuke Sugiura (Toyama University)
【1】Evaluation of classification techniques for snow deposition and erosion patterns in the Antarctic ice sheet using a machine learning method, Konosuke Sugiura (Toyama University)
【2】Application of machine laerning to hypocenter determination for Seismic observation network in Showa base, Seiji Tsuboi (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC))
【3】Development of a real time database system for Cosmic Ray data observed at Syowa Station, Chihiro Kato (Shinshu University)
【4】Connection to organizations by participatory consortium for accelerating data science, Norio Umemura (Nagoya University)
【5】Development of database and data analysis system of ground-based atmospheric electric field observation data for global electrical circuit study, Masashi Kamogawa (University of Shizuoka)
【6】Construction of information sharing system for earth science observations in polar region, Mami Nakamoto (Association for the development of earthquake prediction)
【7】Construction of archiving/information disclosure system for infrasound observation in Antarctica, Masa-yuki Yamamoto (Kochi University of Technology)
【1】Development of a real time database system for Cosmic Ray data observed at Syowa Station, Chihiro Kato (Shinshu University) ( Joint research results)
【2】Development of Antarctic rock samples repository, Sotaro Baba (University of the Ryukyus)
【3】Construction of archiving/information disclosure system for infrasound observation in Antarctica, Masa-yuki Yamamoto (Kochi University of Technology)
【4】Sharing and Visualization of 1-100Hz ELF Waveform Data Obtained at Syowa Station, Mitsuteru Sao (Hokkaido University)
【5】Method for detection of the snowy cloud and estimation of snowfalling amount based on NOAA/AVHRR images , Kazue Suzuki (National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry (from August 1, Hosei University))
【6】Application of machine laerning to hypocenter determination for Seismic observation network in Showa base, Seiji Tsuboi (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology(JAMSTEC))
【7】Development of a signal processing method for improving quality of wind and turbulence products obtained by atmospheric radars, Masayuki Yamamoto (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology(NICT))
【8】Research for participatory consortium for acceralating data-driven science, Norio Umemura (Nagoya University)
【9】(science meeting) Problems on mutual use and integrated analysis of solid earth science data, Kazunari Nawa ( National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST))
【1】Database of optical flow using data from Longyearbyen and Iceland, Keisuke Hosokawa (University of Electro-Communications)
【2】Development of Antarctic rock samples repository, Sotaro Baba (University of The Ryukyus)
【3】Development of database and data analysis system of ground-based atmospheric electric field observation data for global electrical circuit study, Masashi Kamogawa (Tokyo Gakugei University)
【4】Development of a real time database system for Cosmic Ray data observed at Syowa Station, Chihiro Kato (Shinshu University)
【5】Construction of archiving/information disclosure system for infrasound observation in Antarctica, Masa-yuki Yamamoto (Kochi University of Technology)
【6】Development of integrated database using various kinds of optical data obtained in South pole and McMurdo stations, Yusuke Ebihara (RISH, Kyoto University)
【7】Redundant data server system for the service of the real-time information of geomagnetic field data and indices, Taguchi, Satoshi (Kyoto University)
【8】(science meeting) "Science and Data" --- In search of future directions of Open Science and Data-driven Science, Yasuhiro Murayama (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)
【1】Building “digital archive” system for utilizing historical pictures about Antarctic and Arctic regions, Yasuyuki Minamiyama (National Institute of Polar Research, Archives Section)
【2】Data publishing framework for multi-station airglow imaging with IUGONET system, Shin Suzuki (Aichi University, Faculty of Regional Policy)
【3】Development of Antarctic rock samples repository, Hokada Tomokazu (National Institute of Polar Research)
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