The partial list of "ROIS-DS-JOINT:The Collaboration Program at ROIS Joint Support-Center for Data Science Research" related to PEDSC
- 2024
- 【1】Establishment of data acquisition, analysis, and visualization methods using general-purpose ice radar, Masahiro Minowa (Hokkaido University)
- 【2】Construction and release of a fungal strain database of Antarctic fungi, Masaharu Tsuji (Asahikawa College)
- 【3】Creating an inventry of lake along ice sheet margin of Soya Coast using aerial photographs and satellite image data, Shuntaro Hata (Hokkaido University)
- 【4】Developing a database of the global sea surface tempeature for the late Pleistocene and understanding factors controlling the temperature variability, Yoshimi Kubota (National Museum of Nature and Science)
- 【5】Hypocenter Estimation of Microseismic Events Using Seismic Array at Syowa Station, East Antarctica, Manami Hashimoto (Association for the development of earthquake prediction)
- 【6】Expansion of publishing method of Cosmic Ray data observed at Syowa station and improvement of analysis method for space weather study., Chihiro Kato (Shinshu University)
- 【7】Metadata management practices to improve visualization and retrieval of research data, Atsuki Shinbori (Nagoya University)
- 【8】New approach for dataset construction and data analysis of cosmogenic nuclide, Fuyuki Tokanai (Yamagata University)
- 【9】Development of automatic weather log system using all-sky images and research on spatio-temporal distribution fluctuations of clouds, Satoshi Ishii (Rikkyo University)
- 【10】Development of Accurate Antenna Measurement Techniques for Interferometric Radar Inversion, Koji Nishimura (Kyoto University)
- 【11】Imaging Observation of Ionospheric Field Aligned Irregularities by the PANSY radar at Antarctic Syowa Station, Akinori Saito (Kyoto University)
- 【12】Reanalysis of long-term aerosol and cloud records in the Antarctic and construction of their data library, Keiichiro Hara (Fukuoka University)
- 【13】Investigation of a method for automatic estimation of visibility using live camera data from Showa Station, Antarctica, and Ny-Ålsund, Arctic, Konosuke Sugiura (University of Toyama)
- 【14】Digitization of Antarctic cores and database construction: AI deep learning for automated lithological analysis, Minoru IKEHARA (Marine Core Research Institute, Kochi University)
- 【15】Establishment of the meaningful signals extraction method from the ultra-high precision time series records and its utilization, Makoto Okubo (Kochi University)
- 【16】Development of phase scintillation analysis and observation method, Toru Takahashi (National Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology)
- 【17】Joint research meeting on data analysis, sharing and publication of infrasound and icequake data observed via penetrators, Yasuhiro Nishikawa (Kochi University of Technology)
- 【18】Mesosphere-Thermosphere-Ionosphere Workshop (MTI Workshop), Takuo Tsuda (The University of Electro-Communications)
- 【19】Solar-Terrestrial Environmental Data Analysis and Data Science: 15 Years of the IUGONET Project and its Future, Shuji Abe (Kyushu University)
- 2023
- 【1】Development and improvement of a machine learning -based method to reconstruct air and water temperatures in the Antarctic zone, Osamu Seki (Hokkaido University)
- 【2】Construction and release of a fungai strain database of Antarctic fungi, Masaharu Tsuji (Asahikawa College)
- 【3】Reconstruction of the management and analysis scheme of cosmogenic nuclide data, Fuyuki Tokanai (Yamagata University)
- 【4】Establishment of new techniques for nano-crustal strain signals detection and utilization of ultra-precision observation records, Makoto Okubo (Kochi University)
- 【5】Reanalysis of long-term aerosol and cloud records in the Antarctic and construciton of their data library, Keiichiro Hara (Fukuoka University)
- 【6】Empirical Experimental Study on On-Premise Data Processing in Remote Areas: A Case Study of Geosphere Monitoring Observation and Base Management Information Sharing System at Syowa Station, Takanobu Sawagaki (Hosei University)
- 【7】Creating an inventory of lake along ice sheet margin of Soya Coast using aerial photographs and satellite image data, Shuntaro Hata (Hokkaido University)
- 【8】New development of global electric circuit study by comparison of atmospheric electric field and upper atmospheric data, Masashi Kamogawa (University of Shizuoka)
- 【9】Expansion of pulbishing method of cosmic ray data observed at Syowa Station and improvement of analysis method for space weather study, Chihiro Kato (Shinshu University)
- 【10】Construction of a dataset of snow deposition and erosion patterns on the Antarctic ice sheet using a machine learning method, Konosuke Sugiura (University of Toyama)
- 【11】Establishment of data acquisiton, analysis, and visualization methods using general purpose ice radar, Masahiro Minowa (Hokkaido University)
- 【12】Imaging observation of ionospheric field aligned irregularities by the PANSY radar at Antractic Syowa Station, Akinori Saito (Kyoto University)
- 【13】Development of a cross-institutional information exhange platform for gravity observation studies (CIE-g), Kazunari Nawa (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST))
- 【14】Developing a database of the global sea surface temperature for the late Pleistocene and understanding factors controlling the temperature variability, Yoshimi Kubota (National Museum of Nature and Science)
- 【15】Metadata management practices to improve visualization and retrieval of research data, Atsuki Shinbori (Nagoya University)
- 【16】Hypocenter estimation of microseismic events using seismic array at Syowa Station, East Antarctica, Manami Hashimoto (Association for the development of earthquake prediction)
- 【17】Development of Python-based data acquisition and analysis tools to promote the use of space science and upper atmosphere science data for data-driven research, Imajo Shun (Kyoto University)
- 2022
- 【1】Evaluation of classification techniques for snow deposition and erosion patterns in the Antarctic ice sheet using a machine learning method, Sugiura Kounosuke (Toyama University)
- 【2】A development of prediction system for the transport of atmospheric aerosol particles at Syowa Station by Machine Learning, Kazue Suzuki (Hosei University)
- 【3】Reanalysis of long-term aerosol and cloud records in the Antarctic and construction of their data library, Hara Keiichiro (Fukuoka Univ.)
- 【4】Construction of analysis system for Iridium satellite communication data in balloon experiments of Antarctic atmospheric gravity waves, Kaho Takana (Shonan Institute of Technology)
- 【5】Impact of atmospheric observation data over the Southern Hemisphere high-latitude on weather forecast skill, Sato Kazutoshi (Kitami Institute of Technology)
- 【6】Development of Python-based data acquisition and analysis tools to promote the use of space science and upper atmosphere science data for data-driven research, Imajo Shun (Kyoto University)
- 【7】Development of Accurate Antenna Measurement Techniques for Interferometric Radar Inversion, Koji Nishimura (Kyoto University)
- 【8】Promotion of data-driven science through the collaboration with organizations by participatory consortium, Shuji Abe (Kyushu University)
- 【9】Establishment of new techniques for nano- crustal strain signals detection and utilization of ultra-precision observation records, Makoto Okubo (Kochi University)
- 【10】Development of website for data visualization of PSD and FK analyses for utilizing Antarctic infrasound observation, Yoshihiro Kakinami (Hokkaido Information University)
- 【11】(science meeting) Distribution and utilization of gravity observations/data in the Open Science Era, Nawa Kazunari (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
- 【12】Expansion of publishing method of Cosmic Ray data observed at Syowa station for space weather study, Chihiro Kato (Shinshu University)
- 【13】Study on generation and propagation of atmospheric gravity waves by extensive analysis of airglow image database, Kogure Masaru (Kyushu University)
- 2021
- 【1】A development of prediction system for the transport of atmospheric aerosol particles at Syowa Station by Machine Learning, Kazue Suzuki (Hosei University)
- 【2】Development of a real time database system for Cosmic Ray data observed at Syowa Station, Chihiro Kato (Shinshu University)
- 【3】Development of database and data analysis system of ground-based atmospheric electric field observation data for global electrical circuit study, Masashi Kamogawa (University of Shizuoka)
- 【4】Development of Accurate Antenna Measurement Techniques for Interferometric Radar Inversion, Koji Nishimura (Kyoto University)
- 【5】Establishment of new techniques for nano- crustal strain signals detection and utilization of ultra-precision observation records, Makoto Okubo (Kochi University)
- 【6】Development of website for data visualization of PSD and FK analyses for utilizing Antarctic infrasound observation, Yoshihiro Kakinami (Hokkaido Information University)
- 【7】Connection to organizations by participatory consortium for accelerating data science, Shuji Abe (Kyushu University)
- 【8】Evaluation of classification techniques for snow deposition and erosion patterns in the Antarctic ice sheet using a machine learning method, Kounosuke Sugiura (Toyama University)
- 2020
- 【1】Evaluation of classification techniques for snow deposition and erosion patterns in the Antarctic ice sheet using a machine learning method, Konosuke Sugiura (Toyama University)
- 【2】Application of machine laerning to hypocenter determination for Seismic observation network in Showa base, Seiji Tsuboi (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC))
- 【3】Development of a real time database system for Cosmic Ray data observed at Syowa Station, Chihiro Kato (Shinshu University)
- 【4】Connection to organizations by participatory consortium for accelerating data science, Norio Umemura (Nagoya University)
- 【5】Development of database and data analysis system of ground-based atmospheric electric field observation data for global electrical circuit study, Masashi Kamogawa (University of Shizuoka)
- 【6】Construction of information sharing system for earth science observations in polar region, Mami Nakamoto (Association for the development of earthquake prediction)
- 【7】Construction of archiving/information disclosure system for infrasound observation in Antarctica, Masa-yuki Yamamoto (Kochi University of Technology)
- 2019
- 【1】Development of a real time database system for Cosmic Ray data observed at Syowa Station, Chihiro Kato (Shinshu University) (
Joint research results)
- 【2】Development of Antarctic rock samples repository, Sotaro Baba (University of the Ryukyus)
- 【3】Construction of archiving/information disclosure system for infrasound observation in Antarctica, Masa-yuki Yamamoto (Kochi University of Technology)
- 【4】Sharing and Visualization of 1-100Hz ELF Waveform Data Obtained at Syowa Station, Mitsuteru Sao (Hokkaido University)
- 【5】Method for detection of the snowy cloud and estimation of snowfalling amount based on NOAA/AVHRR images , Kazue Suzuki (National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry (from August 1, Hosei University))
- 【6】Application of machine laerning to hypocenter determination for Seismic observation network in Showa base, Seiji Tsuboi (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology(JAMSTEC))
- 【7】Development of a signal processing method for improving quality of wind and turbulence products obtained by atmospheric radars, Masayuki Yamamoto (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology(NICT))
- 【8】Research for participatory consortium for acceralating data-driven science, Norio Umemura (Nagoya University)
- 【9】(science meeting) Problems on mutual use and integrated analysis of solid earth science data, Kazunari Nawa ( National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST))
- 2018
- 【1】Database of optical flow using data from Longyearbyen and Iceland, Keisuke Hosokawa (University of Electro-Communications)
- 【2】Development of Antarctic rock samples repository, Sotaro Baba (University of The Ryukyus)
- 【3】Development of database and data analysis system of ground-based atmospheric electric field observation data for global electrical circuit study, Masashi Kamogawa (Tokyo Gakugei University)
- 【4】Development of a real time database system for Cosmic Ray data observed at Syowa Station, Chihiro Kato (Shinshu University)
- 【5】Construction of archiving/information disclosure system for infrasound observation in Antarctica, Masa-yuki Yamamoto (Kochi University of Technology)
- 【6】Development of integrated database using various kinds of optical data obtained in South pole and McMurdo stations, Yusuke Ebihara (RISH, Kyoto University)
- 【7】Redundant data server system for the service of the real-time information of geomagnetic field data and indices, Taguchi, Satoshi (Kyoto University)
- 【8】(science meeting) "Science and Data" --- In search of future directions of Open Science and Data-driven Science, Yasuhiro Murayama (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)
- 2017
- 【1】Building “digital archive” system for utilizing historical pictures about Antarctic and Arctic regions, Yasuyuki Minamiyama (National Institute of Polar Research, Archives Section)
- 【2】Data publishing framework for multi-station airglow imaging with IUGONET system, Shin Suzuki (Aichi University, Faculty of Regional Policy)
- 【3】Development of Antarctic rock samples repository, Hokada Tomokazu (National Institute of Polar Research)
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